Two industries in which generators play an incredibly important role

An electrical generator is a machine which converts mechanically-generated energy into electricity. Generator hire companies rent their products to many different businesses, across a wide range of industries. Here are two specific industries which make use of this type of device. 

The food processing industry

Food products can spoil extremely easily if the temperatures in which they are prepared and stored are not low enough. This is because the dangerous fungi, viruses, and bacteria that cause spoilage tend to multiply very quickly in warm conditions.

If a food processing facility's products spoil, a number of serious problems can arise. If the spoiled food is not detected and removed before it reaches the customer, it could result in this person developing food poisoning. This, in turn, could have a major impact on the facility's professional reputation.

Minor food spoilage can also affect the quality of a facility's final product; it may have a negative impact on its taste, appearance, and scent. This, too, can have a negative impact on the facility's reputations, as well as its long-term profits.

As such, it is vital for food processing plants to make sure that the temperatures in their facilities are strictly regulated. In most cases, this is done by installing ducted air-conditioning systems as well as temperature-controlled cool rooms. However, both of these things are powered by electricity; if there should ever be a power outage, these means of regulating temperature would stop working and the facility's food products would be ruined.

This is where a generator comes in; in the event of a power outage, the presence of a generator on site enables the facility to continue to keep its food products at the correct temperatures.

The pharmaceutical industry

Many of the medications that the pharmaceutical industry produces are temperature sensitive, meaning that their chemical compositions may change (and result in them being ineffective) if the temperatures in which they are produced and stored are not controlled.

If the properties of a medication that needs to be refrigerated (such as insulin, for example) are altered and the end customer receives and uses this medication, their life could be endangered.

As such, most pharmaceutical companies also have generators on site, to ensure that their cool rooms and air-conditioning systems remain functional at all times, even during power outages. This, in turn, ensures that the products they sell to their customers are always effective and safe to consume.
